Heron Hospice Society offers safe and supportive programs to the residents of Delta and Tsawwassen First Nation Lands while providing opportunities to connect with other community members who are also grieving the loss of a loved one. Programs are offered at no cost however pre-registration is required for most programs.
Grief Support - Grief Group
Join us for a supportive and compassionate Grief Group facilitated by a professional counselor. This 6-week program is designed to provide a safe space for individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Each session will offer a blend of education, sharing, and practical strategies to help participants navigate the complex emotions of grief..
What to Expect:
A welcoming environment where you can share your experiences without judgment.
Guidance and insights from a trained counselor.
Practical tools and resources to help you manage your grief.
This group is open to anyone who has experienced a loss, regardless of when the loss occurred. Whether you're dealing with recent grief or unresolved feelings from the past, this group can provide the support and understanding you need.
January 23 - February 27
Thursdays 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Coffee and Connections
Enjoy a home-baked snack and warm drink while connecting with other Delta residents and our trained companion volunteers, who offer a listening ear and a compassionate presence.
No registration required. Drop in.
Tuesdays 10:00 - 11:30 am
NEW - Tea at Three
This group is a place to come together for conversation, connection, and support. Led by our trained volunteers and one of our registered counselors, this group provides a space to share or simply connect with others.
No registration is required. This is a drop in program.
January 16 - March 27
Thursdays 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Cooking Together After Loss
This group, led by an experienced cooking instructor, Jini, and supported by trained volunteers, will invite you to come together with other community members to prepare, cook and enjoy a meal together
March 24
Monday 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Yoga: Moving Through Grief
Engage in the practice of yoga, with sessions crafted to incorporate gentle movements tailored for clients navigating the challenges of grief. The series provides an opportunity to promote well being through the harmonious union of breath, movement and mindfulness.
February 27 - April 10
Thursdays 11:00 - noon
Mindfulness and Relaxation
This group incorporates guided meditation and soothing music to help you navigate your grief journey. This group offers a peaceful space to relax and reflect.
January 15 - February 19
Wednesdays 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Walking Bereavement Group
Walk together around our community alongside our trained companion volunteers. This program offers the combination of physical exercise, fresh air, and social connection.
January 22 - March 12
Wednesdays 10:00 -11:30 am
Grief Support - Healing through Creating - Art Therapy Program
This bereavement support group is guided by a trained art therapist and clinical counselor who offer a safe and supportive environment. You will engage in therapeutic art activities to help foster emotional healing, along with others who are navigating a similar grief process. *no art experience necessary
Dates TBD
​​​​​Registration is required for most programs, please call 604-245-7380 or email info@heronhospice.org
All group sessions are held at 4631 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta, at no cost to Delta and Tsawwassen First Nation residents.